Thursday, April 30, 2015

8 Sentence Sunday on Dieselpunks #11

Today’s snippet picks up from last Sunday’s. Inquiring minds wanted to know what Dru and Dunyasha were going to do with their pistols. Today we find out. The Argo, which is the former USS Los Angeles, is under attack by a pair of Soviet built biplanes. The airship is inflated with hydrogen, which makes for a potentially dangerous situation. But as Dru points out, it is difficult to shoot down a hydrogen filled airship. Everything has to be just right.
So here is today’s snippet. Once again, Dru and Dunyasha are in the thick of the action.

A second biplane appeared and opened fire, the bullets hitting above us.
“They’re going for the gas cells,” I said.
“Operation Barbecue,” Dunyasha shot back.
“Probably not. It’s pretty difficult to shoot down an airship. Even one filled with hydrogen.”
I took careful aim and, as the plane banked to avoid hitting us, emptied the magazine of the Sauer. Dunyasha did likewise with her Luger. A futile attempt.

If you write or read Dieselpunk, join in the fun: 8 Sentence Sunday on Dieselpunks.

[Originally published 15 March 2015 on]

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