Friday, July 24, 2020

For the Weekend

I’m starting a new feature. On Fridays (although perhaps not every Friday) I’m going to recommend books for your weekend reading pleasure.

As regular readers of this blog know, reading is my favorite form of entertainment. And I’d like it to become yours. Movies and TV shows are okay, but there is nothing like a book or short story to get the imagination firing on all cylinders. And family reading time is absolutely magical. You don’t have to read all on your own!

Today, I want to draw your attention to a series and a short story.

The Boom Town Saga by Caleb Pirtle III

I’m currently reading Book 3 of this fantastic historical saga that focuses on finding oil in the 1930s and how the discovery changes, or doesn’t change, lives.

The central characters of the series are con-man/miracle worker Doc Bannister and Eudora Durant, once hometown beauty queen, now wife of a good for nothing husband who beats her and cheats on her.

In Doc and Eudora, Pirtle gives us people who are very real, yet larger-than-life. And their precarious love story adds spice to an already exciting series.

Couple the fabulous characters with Pirtle’s nearly magical writing that makes the past come alive, and you have the ingredients for powerful storytelling. And The Boom Town Saga is powerful story telling at its finest.

You can find the series at Amazon. And for a limited time, Book 3 is only 99¢.

The Boom Town Saga is a very satisfying way to while away the weekend.

Love’s Enigma by Breakfield and Burkey

Charles V Breakfield and Roxanne E Burkey are new to me writers. They are the authors of the 11 book Techno-Thriller Enigma series.

I haven’t read the series. I picked up the short story “Love’s Enigma” on a recommendation and from reading the reviews it seems the story provides background information on a couple of the characters from the series.

However, you don’t need to read the series to enjoy the story, which is the tale of Zara and Buzz: a romance that begs the caution, be careful what you ask for.

Zara and Buzz have a good thing going, but Buzz wants more. Will Zara give in and give him what he wants? Or would it be better if Buzz was satisfied with what he has?

I can’t say more without giving away the surprise ending. If romance is your thing, give this short story a try. You can find it on Amazon.

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