Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Thoughts other than about Turkey

Thanksgiving is quite possibly my favorite holiday. A secular feast day on the theme of giving thanks for all the good things we have.

Being thankful is an important quality in a person’s makeup. We’ve all known people who were ungrateful, who lacked the humility that a spirit of thankfulness gives one.

When I look back over my 67 years, I am struck by the abundance of good things in my life. There were bad things, too, to be sure. But the good things? Well, they were very, very good. And I’d rather dwell on them. I’d rather express my gratitude, my thankfulness, for having those good things in my life.

For that is the kind of person I want to be. One filled with gratitude for the gifts and good things that have been given to me.

When one looks at Nature, one does not see an entitlement mentality anywhere. Nature, while beautiful, is often uncaring and cruel. Nothing in Nature is entitled to anything. It must all be earned.

Therefore, if I get something — I’m thankful. Thankfulness enables me to appreciate what I have. Which leads to a life of contentment. And being contented is a good thing.

So on this coming Thanksgiving Day in 2019, I encourage you to take time to ponder and wonder at all of the good things that are in your life. No matter how few or small they may be.

Express your thanks for them and be grateful that you have or had those good things.

Life is what you make it, because the quality of our existence is in our minds. So make life good, and be a person of thankfulness and gratitude.

Comments are always welcome! And until next time — happy living!

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