Friday, April 26, 2019

The Medusa Ritual - Installment 13

The Medusa Ritual
A Pierce Mostyn Paranormal Investigation
CW Hawes

Deception and shell games. Along with a few shell companies. An ancient sorcerer, or someone pretending to be. And a game of tunnel, tunnel, who’s in the tunnel. The plot thickens, as they say.
Read on! The adventure continues!

Chapter 15

Mostyn sat at the table. Plates of sandwiches, and carafes of coffee and water ran down the center of the table. The team members, except for Dotty Kemper, were eating and drinking. Mostyn, however, just sipped at a styrofoam cup of coffee. The coffee was just how he liked it: strong with a hefty dollop of cream, real cream.
He’d listened to the the reports from Jones and Hammerschmidt, and NicAskill and Petrie. He’d told them what he’d discovered. Then the food arrived and he decided to let them eat before listening to what Stoppen and Baer had found out.
The coffee was hot. Those are good carafes, he thought. His mind drifted back to the morning before Bardon had sent Dotty and him out to attempt the capture of Tommy John MacIlhenney. Dotty had made coffee in her French Press. He liked her coffee. It was perfect. That was definitely one thing she did better than Helene. He smiled. Helene and coffee were like an airplane defying gravity after it had run out of fuel.
Dotty. Would he ever see her again? And if he didn’t what would he do? He had Helene. But Dotty was Dotty. He’d worked with her for a long time and he’d loved her for a good portion of that time.
He looked at his styrofoam cup of coffee and thought of her making coffee their coffee that morning. It was perfect. It was always perfect. She was gone and he hadn’t even told her he loved her.
They would get her back. They had to get her back. That was all there was to it.
He became aware of someone saying, “Boss!” He looked up. Jones. Jones was yelling, “Boss”, and Baker was saying, “Earth to Mostyn. Come in Mostyn.”
“I’m here. What is it?”
“Otto was telling us about his morning,” Dr Winifred Petrie said.
“Did you find out something of importance, Dr Stoppen?” Mostyn asked.
“Yes and no,” he replied.
“Okay. I’ll take the good news first,” Mostyn said.
“The buzz is that a very ancient book was purchased and brought to LA within the last year or so. The Huntington made an attempt to find who owned it, in order to make an offer to buy it. They were not successful. Two private collectors are also pursuing a purchase, but have yet to find the owner.”
Mostyn nodded. “The bad news?”
“My contacts are of the opinion the book is just a legend at best, and a fake at worst.”
“But we know the book is real, otherwise Bardon wouldn’t have us looking for it.”
“So what do we do now, Boss?” NicAskill asked.
Mostyn took a deep breath, held it for a moment, and then exhaled. “I think we know four vital pieces of information. First, the book is real. I don’t think there is any other way to explain the strange cloud formations. Second, the management companies and Ching Wo are fronts for whoever we are after. Third, the fact the properties owned by Ching Wo are above an underground tunnel system seems to me to be intentional. And finally, all legends are based on truth. Consequently, we are either dealing with Wing Lee himself, or someone who has appropriated the legend. And in either case, the person commands great power. He is, for lack of a better word, a sorcerer of tremendous ability.”
“That all makes sense, Boss, but what do we do with the information?” NicAskill asked.
“I think it’s time we do a turn at urban spelunking, because my gut is telling me that’s where we’ll find the book.”
“Aw, man,” Jones blurted. “We’re not going underground again? Tell me we’re not.”
“Were you listening, Jones?” Mostyn said.
With a smile on his face, Baker said, “You used the word ‘spelunking’. That has a few too many syllables for Jones.”
“Fork you, Mr Camera Man,” Jones said. “I know what the word ‘spelunking’ means. I may have blonde hair, but I’m not dumb.”
NicAskill punched him in the arm. “You just don’t want to get cobwebs in those golden locks, right?”
“Shit,” Jones muttered. “Fine. Back to being mole people. I love being a mole.”
“You enjoyed K’n-yan,” Mostyn said, with his best poker face.
Jones threw his hands up. “Alright, alright. When do we take the tunnel tour?”
Mostyn’s phone chimed. He took it out of his pocket and looked at it. When he was done reading, he put it back.
“The report on Ching Wo Company, Inc. came back. It’s a shell company, owned by another shell company, that is also owned by a shell company, et cetera, et cetera. However, it seems the end of the line is a company in Taiwan. The Mo Yan Corporation. It is privately held, but no owners or officers have been found at this point.”
“Is this relevant?” Dr Stoppen asked.
“No,” Mostyn replied. “I think it safe to say that Wing Lee, or his imposter, is the owner. And does the information alter anything for us? I don’t think so. If anything, a Taiwanese company tends to re-enforce the legend.”
“Do you believe we’re actually dealing with this Wing Lee?” Petrie asked.
“Yes,” Mostyn replied. “I’ve heard the voice. It was ancient sounding. Like a whisper emanating from a distant tomb.”
“So where are we going to access the tunnel system?” NicAskill asked.
“There are two entrances that I’m aware of, and there are probably more. One is in the Hall of Records. An elevator, in fact, takes you there. There is also a bar that was once a speakeasy located in the tunnels. The access point is in the basement of the bar. We’ll try one of these first and go from there. Any further questions?”
No one said anything.
“Finish your lunch. We’ll move out in forty-five minutes.”

Chapter 16

Dr Dotty Kemper opened her eyes. The light was dim, barely holding at bay the Stygian blackness. She felt cold and realized she was lying on concrete. The surface was pitted and rough. She sat up and saw that she was chained to the concrete wall. An iron manacle was on each wrist. They were connected by a chain. Another chain ran from the concrete wall to the chain connecting the wrist manacles.
“Where the hell am I?” she said.
“You are in the tunnels below the city.”
Dotty looked in the direction the voice came from and saw a man sitting in a chair on the edge of the darkness.
“Tunnels? Tunnels below LA?”
“Yes,” the voice said. “They are old. Very old. Many sections are barricaded because they are in poor condition. Other sections are lost to memory because they were here long before the tunnels dug by men.”
“Who are you?” Dotty asked.
“My name does not matter, Dr Kemper. I am to watch you and make sure you are okay.”
“Well, I’m not okay. I have a headache and I ache from lying on this concrete and I’m cold.”
“I’m sorry. There is nothing I can do to alleviate your pain, or provide you with warmth.”
“Then what the hell good are you?”
“The question has no relevance. I simply serve the master. I am to watch you and make sure you are okay. That you are in no life threatening distress.”
“I will be if you don’t get me a blanket.”
“I am sorry. I do not have a blanket for you.”
“Fine. Be that way.” Dotty stood. She turned around and pulled on the chain. Seems solid enough, she thought. Too bad for me.
She stretched the chain as far as it would go. About four or five feet of play. At least I’m not up against the wall with my hands over my head.
“Even if you were free of your shackles, you would not find your way to the surface,”
“Thanks for the information,” Dotty replied. She turned around to face the man on the edge of the darkness. “So I guess I’m not going to be the blushing bride, am I?”
“I do not know your fate. I only know that you gained the ire of the master.”
“Well, that’s just a goddamn shame, isn’t it?”
“You do not want to anger the master.”
“Between you and me? If I get my hands on that prick the only thing he’ll be master of is worm food.”
“You are in no position to make threats.”
“Threats? Listen, you mechanical dildo, that was a promise. You need to learn the difference.”
“You shouldn’t make promises you cannot keep.”
“Who appointed you to be my mother? Besides, how do you know I can’t keep my promise?”
The man stood and stepped into the feeble light cast by the electric lantern. Dotty recognized him as the older man who’d come into her suite with the masked man.
“You are in grave danger, Dr Kemper. You should not jest.”
She snorted. “I don’t believe in prayer, so that leaves me with jesting.”
“That is too bad.”
“What is too bad is that I didn’t die up there in my room.”
“That is true, Dr Kemper. That is very true.”


The elevator came to a stop and the door opened. Mostyn, NicAskill, Baker, and Petrie stepped out. The door closed and the elevator rose. After a couple of minutes the car returned with the rest of the team.
“Well, look at his,” Jones said. “Graffiti artists of the Underworld.”
“Have wall, will paint,” Baker quipped.
“Let’s get ready,” Mostyn said.
The team members were wearing street clothes to minimize attention and not arouse suspicion. Each one had a backpack.
They opened their backpacks and took out their helmets, equipped with an attached electric lamp, a flashlight, and a weapon. The packs also contained water, emergency rations, spelunking equipment, and a light-weight space blanket.
Jones carried the special OUP issued phone which allowed the team to maintain contact with headquarters.
“Let Sumer Base know we are in the tunnels, will you, Jones?” Mostyn said.
“Sure thing, Boss.” Jones made the call and when finished turned to Mostyn.
“They sent you a three D map of the tunnels, Boss. We’ve also gotten a lucky break. Sumer Base has started receiving Kemper’s subdermal transmitter signal again.”
“That is good news,” Mostyn said, while fishing his phone out of his pocket. When it was in hand, he tapped on it and displayed the 3-D map. A flashing green dot indicated where Dotty Kemper was located.
Mostyn studied the diagram for a moment and then called Jones and NicAskill over. “What do you make of this?” he asked.
The two special agents looked at the screen. Jones spoke first. “Doesn’t that beat all. She’s not even in one of the tunnels.”
“More likely, she’s in a tunnel that isn’t on any map,” NicAskill said.
“That’s what I said,” Jones replied.
“Yeah, right, Jones. And Einstein had marshmallows for brains.”
Mostyn studied the holographic projection of the tunnel system. After several minutes, he said, “We’re going to rescue Dr Kemper.”
“We’re supposed to look for the book,” Dr Stoppen said.
“And I’m willing to bet where Dr Kemper is, the book will be close by,” Mostyn replied. “Now get your packs on, and follow me.”

To Be Continued!

While waiting for the next installment, the entire Pierce Mostyn Paranormal series is available for your reading pleasure.

Do you hate cliffhangers? There’s none in this series. Each book stands by itself.

Do you think books are magic? That for just a little while you can be anywhere, doing anything? Then join Pierce Mostyn and experience some magic!

What people are saying about the Pierce Mostyn series:

“…a fast-paced story with lots of action, yet does not neglect the characters.”

“Hawes has a great time with this series and does a good job (too good) of leaving us wanting more.”

“This series is fun…”

“…a weird tale of adventure, humor, and horror.”

Are engaging characters your thing? Join my VIP Readers and you’ll get the Pierce Mostyn novelette, “The Feeder” — available only to my VIP Readers! 

And you’ll be the first to know when the revised book version of The Medusa Ritual comes out!

The Medusa Ritual is copyright © 2019 by CW Hawes. All rights reserved.

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